Wednesday, December 30, 2015

                                             Sweet facts about sugars

Glucose: It is also called 'grape sugar'. It acts as an immediate source of energy. It is a monosaccharide. Brain can utilize only glucose as source of energy. It is an aldose sugar.

Fructose: It is also called 'fruit sugar'. It is also a monosaccharide. It is a ketose sugar.

Lactose: It is called milk sugar. It is a disaccharide. It is made up of glucose and galactose. It is digested by an enzyme called 'lactase'. Some people may suffer from 'lactose intolerance'. 

Sucrose: It is called 'cane sugar'. It comprises glucose and fructose.

Trehalose: It is called insect sugar. 

The enzyme that digests sucrose is called 'sucrase'. It is also referred to as 'invertase'. 

Lactose is digested by 'lactase'. It is also called 'Beta galactosidase'.

Maltose is digested by 'maltase'. It is also called 'alpha glucosidase'.

Trehalose is made up of two glucose units. 

Friday, December 25, 2015


Phobia is an unreasonable fear towards anything. Some people are afraid of blood and some others fear sudden death. Some common phobias related to zoology are listed below.

                                     Fear of dogs             :  Cynophobia

                                     Fear of cat                : Ailurophobia

                                     Fear of men              : Androphobia

                                     Fear of death            : Thanatophobia

                                     Fear of blood            : Hematophobia

                                     Fear of horses           : Hippophobia

                                     Fear of feathers         : Pteronophobia

                                     Fear of insects           : Entamophobia

                       Phobias are more common in women rather than men. 
Teaching & non teaching staff of Govt.Arts College(M) Anantapur

Thursday, December 24, 2015

This photo belongs to 1971 batch Zoology students. Sri Aravinda Babu sir has sent this.

          Old faculty members of zoology department. They toiled a lot to streamline the department
Madan Mohan das sir (Our Zoology lecturer) with Ramgopal Varma

Aravindabu sir with zoology faculty members. This photo probably dates back to 1960's.

Our zoology madam Smt.Parvathi

Our zoology Head of the Department and Retd.Principal of Govt.Arts College Smt.Vasantha Murthy

1971 batch zoology students

Aravinda Babu sir. He worked as demonstrator in zoology department in 1960's

All these members are the faculty members of zoology department in 1960's. The present faculty members are not even born during that period. This reflects the nostalgia of our department members towards history.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Sri P.R.Aravinda Babu & Sri Ramesh Narayana

Medical camp

Medical camp

Participating in student friendly activities

              This post contains the photographs of erstwhile and present zoology faculty.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

                          My contribution to story board in Eenadu 7th December 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015

                            As Chief Guest on International Volunteers Day at Nehru Yuvakendra

Thursday, November 19, 2015

We are proud to declare that our zoology department is always vibrant with useful activities.

                           Collaborative Work With District Science Center, Anantapur   In collaboration with the District Science Center an...