Tuesday, June 7, 2016

                                            ZOOLOGY FOR NEET & NET
        G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt.UG & PG College (M), Anantapur

  1. Study of effect of radiation on life is called radiobiology. It is also called actinobiology.
  2. Study of acquired characters is called ctetology
  3. Study of whales is cetology
  4. Study of sleep is hypnology
  5. Study of effect of light on living organisms is photobiology
  6. Study of joints and ligaments is syndesmology
  7. Study of diseases is nosology
  8. Study of unfavorable conditions to human race is called dysgeneics
  9. Indigestion is also known as dyspepsia
  10. Vomiting is also known as emesis
  11. In man 12 teeth are monophyodont
  12. Monophyodont teeth in man are premolars
  13. Study of function less rudimentary organs is dysteleology
  14. Parturition is a complex neuroendocrine mechanism
  15. In a woman, labor pains can be induced artificially by administering oxytocin  or prostaglandins.
  16. Horned toad is a desert lizard but not an amphibian
  17. Bombinator is known for warning coloration
  18. Xenopus is a frog used in a test to confirm human pregnancy
  19. The term dinosaurs means "terrible lizard"
  20. Eosinophils have receptors for IgE antibodies
  21. Haematocrit is calculated by Wintrobe tube
  22. Bird continent is located in South America
  23. High levels of estrogens inhibit prolactin
  24. Hormones are also known as autocoids
  25. Prostaglandins are discovered in human semen.

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