Saturday, December 15, 2018

 With great personality Padma Sree Vasudevan Gnana Gandhi of ISRO who worked with Kalam Ji. It is a privilege for us to listen to his lecture on cryo rocket technology

                                               At HCU in Professor Bramananda lab

                                With Professor Masood who delivered a talk on cancer biology
        My seminar presentation topic which I am going to deliver on 24th December in MANUU

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

                            As resource person for developing positive attitude in women

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Guest lecture by V.V.Balasubramanyam......myself as quiz master......Prime minister koushal yojana

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

                     Participating in various activities on Gandhi Jayanthi October 2nd 2018

                           Collaborative Work With District Science Center, Anantapur   In collaboration with the District Science Center an...