Tuesday, March 1, 2016


1. Detoxifying organ in the human body is
    a. liver  b. brain  c. skin   d. heart

2. The organ with maximum power of regeneration is
     a. liver  b. brain  c. skin   d. heart

3. The organ mostly damaged in alcoholics is
    a. liver  b. brain  c. skin   d. heart

4. Alcohol used for human consumption is
    a. ethyl alcohol  b. methyl alcohol c. propyl alcohol d.both a & b

5. Optic nerve is damaged by
    a. ethyl alcohol  b. methyl alcohol c. propyl alcohol d. butyl alcohol

6. Typhoid is caused by
    a. bacteria b. protozoan c. virus d. helminth

7. Cold is caused by
    a. bacteria b. protozoan c. virus d. helminth

8. Malaria is caused by
    a. bacteria b. protozoan c. virus d. helminth

9. Widal test is used to diagnose 
    a. AIDS b. Tuberculosis c. Typhoid d. malaria

10. ELISA test is used to diagnose 
     a. AIDS b. Tuberculosis c. Typhoid d. malaria

11. Bald headed vultures have become extinct due to the use of
      a.paracetamol  b. metranidazole  c. quinine d. diclofenac sodium

12. Medicine used to treat amoebiasis is
       a.paracetamol  b. metranidazole  c. quinine d. diclofenac sodium

13. The part of the brain that is affected in drunkards is
       a. cerebrum b. medulla oblongata c. diencephalon d. cerebellum

14. Round bacteria are
      a.coccus  b. vibrio  c. bacillus d. spirilli

15. Shape of Lacto bacillus is
      a.round  b. coma c. spiral d. rod

16. HIV attacks
      a.RBC  b. Platelets  c. T lymphocytes  d. B lymphocytes

17. Acid present in stomach is
      a. HCl  b. Sulfuric acid c. perchloric acid d. nitric acid

18. Plasmodium attacks
      a.RBC  b. Platelets  c. T lymphocytes  d. B lymphocytes

19. Ascaris lumbricoidus is commonly called
      a.tape worm b. round worm c.filaria worm d. pin worm

20. Sus sylvianus is the scientific name of
      a. rabbit  b. pig c.man d.kangaroo

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