Thursday, May 26, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt.UG & PG College(M) Anantapur
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt.UG & PG College(M) Anantapur
- Alpha interferon is the biological response modifier given to cancer patients. It destroys the tumor.
- Alopecia is the loss of hair caused due to the destruction of hair follicle cells
- Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus
- Leukemia is a liquid tumor
- Attraction of blood vessels by tumors is called angiogenesis.
- Cadherins are intercellular adhesion proteins
- Cancer cells lack cadherins
- P 53 is also called tumor suppressing gene
- Retinoblastoma protein is another tumor suppressor protein
- The term vaccine was coined by Edward Jenner
- Technique of attenuating the microbe was developed by Pasteur
- Oral Polio vaccine was produced by Albert Sabin
- Propolis produced by honey bees is used to treat inflammation and burns
- Bee bread is the food of worker bees and royal jelly is the food of queen bee.
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute is located at Izatnagar
- Dr.B.V.Rao is the father of modern poultry in India
- NECC is national Egg Coordination Committee
- Separation of unproductive and infected fowl from productive ones is called culling
- Cutting of beak of fowl in V shape is called debeaking.
- Hisardale is the new breed of sheep developed in Punjab
- Scientific name of cow is Bos indicus
- Scientific name of buffalo is Bubalus bubalis
- Operation flood was started by National Dairy Development Board
- Ongole bull is the costliest bull in India
- MOET: Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer
- Von Baer is the father of modern embryology
- Recapitulation theory was proposed by Ernst Haeckel
- Fossils are the documentary evidences of evolution
- Fossilized faecal matter is called coprolite
- Connecting link between fish and amphibians is Eusthenopteron
- Cyanognathus is the connecting link between reptiles and mammals
- Southern Blotting technique was developed by E.M.Southern
- VNTRs: Variable Number Tandem Repeats
- RFLPs : Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
- ELSI: Ethical Legal and Social Issues
- Largest human gene is the gene that codes for dystrophin
- Number of genes on Y chromosome is 231
- Chromosome 1 has the highest number of genes
- Y chromosome has the fewest genes
- SNPs: Single Nucleotide polymorphisms.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt. UG & PG College (M) Anantapur
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt. UG & PG College (M) Anantapur
- PH of distilled water is 7.0
- Blood PH is 7.4
- Osmotic pressure depends only on the number of dissolved particles and is independent of the size of the particle
- Substances that do not diffuse through membranes are called colliods
- Substances that diffuse through biological membranes are called crystalloids
- The process of conversion of water insoluble substances into water soluble substances is called hydrotrophy
- Rf is the unit of expressing chromatography
- Rf is the ratio of the distance traveled by the compound to the distance traveled by the solvent.
- Sucrose is called invert sugar
- Sucrose is a non reducing sugar
- Non carbohydrate portion of a glycoside is called aglycone
- First break down product of glycogen metabolism is Glucose - 1- phosphate
- Oral insulin is ineffective as it is digested by enzymes
- Urine of diabetes mellitus patient shows the presence of both glucose and ketone bodies.
- Urine of starved person shows only ketone bodies
- Rancidity of fats is prevented by vitamin E
- Deposition of cerebrosides in liver causes Gaucher's disease
- Deposition of sphynomyalines in liver causes Niemann-Pick disease
- Iodine number indicates the degree of unsaturation of fats
- Cholesterol is detected by Libermann- Burchard reaction and Salkowaki test
- LDL: Low density Lipoprotein
- HDL: High Density Lipoprotein
- Acetyl Co A is the precursor for cholesterol biosynthesis
- Acetoacetic acid, beta hydroxy butyric acid and acetone are referred to as ketone bodies
- Ketone bodies are acidic
- Normal excretion of ketone bodies is 1mg/day
- 2,4 dinitro phenyl benzene is the reagent used in Sanger's method
- N terminal amino acid of a protein is determined by Sanger's method and Edman's method.
- Biuret test and Ninhydrin tests are the general tests for proteins
- Peptide groupings are specific to Biuret reaction
- Reagent used in Edman's method is phenyl isothiocyanate
- Sugar base combination is called nucleoside
- Sugar base phosphate combination is called nucleotide
- Cytosine and thymine are pyrimidine bases
- Adenine and guanine are purine bases
- Uracil is a pyrimidine
- Site other than the active site is called the allosteric site
- Vitamin A is useful for visual function
- Vitamin B2 is also called lactoflavin as it was first isolated from milk
- Histidine amino acid is responsible for the buffering action of haemoglobin.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, GDC(M) Anantapur
G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, GDC(M) Anantapur
- Balanoglossus is the connecting link between invertebrata and chordata
- Ascidians are also called sea squirts
- Test in urochordates is made up of tunicin
- Tunicin is similar to cellulose
- Strongest animals in animal kingdom are urochordates
- Hemichordata was separated from chordata by Hyman
- The jaw less ectoparasitic vertebrates are cyclostomes
- Willey called Amphioxus as prototype chordate
- Endostyle of protochordates is analogous to thyroid gland of vertebrates
- Endostyle found in protochordates is useful for ciliary mode of feeding
- Stomochord present in Balanoglossus is called buccal diverticulum
- Petromyzon marinus is marine lamprey
- Lampetra fluviatilis is fresh water lamprey
- Petromyzon attaches to the host with suctorial mouth
- Sharks are commonly called sea wolves
- Flat fish is scientifically called Cyanoglossus
- Cyanoglossus has both eyes on the same side
- Angler fish and Hatchet fish exhibit bioluminescence
- Diodon is porcupine fish
- Fish with high parental care is Hippocampus
- The fish that contains scutes and bony plates apart from scales is Hippocampus
- Bones that connect air bladder of fish with internal ear are weberian ossicles
- Relationship between sucker fish and shark is commensalism
- Sucker fish is also called Remora
- Most venomous fish is Stone fish
- Vertebrae of fish are amphicoelous
- Axolotl larva is called servant of water
- Romer called amphibians as the defeated vertebrates
- Salamanders and newts belong to Urodela
- Amphibian with copulatory organ is Icthyophis
- Red Indians smear their arrows with the poisonous secretions of phyllobates (frog)
- Surinam toad lacks tongue
- Antiperistalisis is also called anastalsis
- The mammals with highest rate of metabolism are shrews
- Caffeine, chloroform and high temperature hasten rigour mortis
- The condition of excretion of haemoglobin in urine is called haemoglobinuria
- Common stain used to prepare blood smear is Leishman's stain
- Neuron was discovered by Fossel and His
- 11th and 12th pairs of ribs in man are called floating ribs
- Diphycercal caudal fin in Dipnoi fish
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
- Key enzyme in glycolysis is phosphofructokinase
- The non carbohydrate portion of a glycoside is called aglycone
- Sucrose is also called invert sugar
- A membrane that allows the solvent molecule to pass but does not allow the passage of solute
molecule is called semipermeable membrane
- Cholesterol inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver by inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
- Km is Michaelis constant
- Km is defined in terms of substrate concentration
- Low Km value is preferred because at low substrate concentration, maximum velocity is achieved.
- Pulses are deficient in aminoacid lysine
- Animal proteins are called first class proteins
- Vegetable proteins are second class proteins
- SDA stands for specific Dynamic Action
- SDA of proteins is 30%
- BMR is low during hypothyroidism and starvation
- Epinephrine is a methylated form and norepinephrine is nonmethylated form
- Key enzyme in glycolysis is phosphofructokinase
- The non carbohydrate portion of a glycoside is called aglycone
- Sucrose is also called invert sugar
- A membrane that allows the solvent molecule to pass but does not allow the passage of solute
molecule is called semipermeable membrane
- Cholesterol inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver by inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
- Km is Michaelis constant
- Km is defined in terms of substrate concentration
- Low Km value is preferred because at low substrate concentration, maximum velocity is achieved.
- Pulses are deficient in aminoacid lysine
- Animal proteins are called first class proteins
- Vegetable proteins are second class proteins
- SDA stands for specific Dynamic Action
- SDA of proteins is 30%
- BMR is low during hypothyroidism and starvation
- Epinephrine is a methylated form and norepinephrine is nonmethylated form
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