Monday, May 9, 2016

                                      ZOOLOGY FOR PGCET & APSET- IV
        G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, Govt.UG & PG College(M) Anantapur

  1. Alpha interferon is the biological response modifier given to cancer patients. It destroys the tumor.
  2. Alopecia is the loss of hair caused due to the destruction of hair follicle cells
  3. Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus
  4. Leukemia is a liquid tumor
  5. Attraction of blood vessels by tumors is called angiogenesis.
  6. Cadherins are intercellular adhesion proteins
  7. Cancer cells lack cadherins
  8. P 53 is also called tumor suppressing gene
  9. Retinoblastoma protein is another tumor suppressor protein
  10. The term vaccine was coined by Edward Jenner
  11. Technique of attenuating the microbe was developed by Pasteur
  12. Oral Polio vaccine was produced by Albert Sabin
  13. Propolis produced by honey bees is used to treat inflammation and burns
  14. Bee bread is the food of worker bees and royal jelly is the food of queen bee.
  15. Indian Veterinary Research Institute is located at Izatnagar
  16. Dr.B.V.Rao is the father of modern poultry in India
  17. NECC is national Egg Coordination Committee
  18. Separation of unproductive and infected fowl from productive ones is called culling
  19. Cutting of beak of fowl in V shape is called debeaking.
  20. Hisardale is the new breed of sheep developed in Punjab
  21. Scientific name of cow is Bos indicus
  22. Scientific name of buffalo is Bubalus bubalis
  23. Operation flood was started by National Dairy Development Board
  24. Ongole bull is the costliest bull in India
  25. MOET: Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer
  26. Von Baer is the father of modern embryology
  27. Recapitulation theory was proposed by Ernst Haeckel
  28. Fossils are the documentary evidences of evolution
  29. Fossilized faecal matter is called coprolite
  30. Connecting link between fish and amphibians is Eusthenopteron
  31. Cyanognathus is the connecting link between reptiles and mammals
  32. Southern Blotting technique was developed by E.M.Southern
  33. VNTRs: Variable Number Tandem Repeats
  34. RFLPs : Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
  35. ELSI: Ethical Legal and Social Issues
  36. Largest human gene is the gene that codes for dystrophin
  37. Number of genes on Y chromosome is 231
  38. Chromosome 1 has the highest number of genes
  39. Y chromosome has the fewest genes
  40. SNPs: Single Nucleotide polymorphisms.  

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