Thursday, May 5, 2016

                                     ZOOLOGY FOR PGCET & APSET- II
                   G.L.N.Prasad, Head, Dept of Zoology, GDC(M) Anantapur

  1. Balanoglossus is the connecting link between invertebrata and chordata
  2.  Ascidians are also called sea squirts
  3.  Test in urochordates is made up of tunicin
  4. Tunicin is similar to cellulose
  5.  Strongest animals in animal kingdom are urochordates
  6.  Hemichordata was separated from chordata by Hyman
  7.  The jaw less  ectoparasitic  vertebrates are cyclostomes
  8. Willey called Amphioxus as prototype chordate
  9.  Endostyle of protochordates is analogous to thyroid gland of vertebrates
  10.  Endostyle found in protochordates is useful for ciliary mode of feeding
  11. Stomochord present in Balanoglossus is called buccal diverticulum
  12. Petromyzon marinus is marine lamprey
  13. Lampetra fluviatilis is fresh water lamprey
  14. Petromyzon attaches to the host with suctorial mouth
  15. Sharks are commonly called sea wolves
  16. Flat fish is scientifically called Cyanoglossus
  17. Cyanoglossus has both eyes on the same side
  18. Angler fish and Hatchet fish exhibit bioluminescence
  19. Diodon is porcupine fish
  20. Fish with high parental care is Hippocampus
  21. The fish that contains scutes and bony plates apart from scales is Hippocampus
  22. Bones that connect air bladder of fish with internal ear are weberian ossicles
  23. Relationship between sucker fish and shark is commensalism
  24. Sucker fish is also called Remora
  25. Most venomous fish is Stone fish
  26. Vertebrae of fish are amphicoelous
  27. Axolotl larva is called servant of water
  28. Romer called amphibians as the defeated vertebrates
  29. Salamanders and newts belong to Urodela
  30. Amphibian with copulatory organ is Icthyophis
  31. Red Indians smear their arrows with the poisonous secretions of phyllobates (frog)
  32. Surinam toad lacks tongue
  33. Antiperistalisis is also called anastalsis
  34. The mammals with highest rate of metabolism are shrews
  35. Caffeine, chloroform and high temperature hasten rigour mortis
  36. The condition of excretion of haemoglobin in urine is called haemoglobinuria
  37. Common stain used to prepare blood smear is Leishman's stain
  38. Neuron was discovered by Fossel and His
  39. 11th and 12th pairs of ribs in man are called floating ribs
  40. Diphycercal caudal fin in Dipnoi fish

1 comment:

  1. Sir very good information.keep going take care of your health.Good night


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