Friday, February 26, 2016


  1. Entamoeba gingivalis causes pyorrhoea.
  2. Entamoeba gingivalis is present in gums and teeth.
  3. Giardia intestinalis is called Grand Old man of intestine. 
  4. Giardia causes Giardiasis.
  5. Trypanosoma gambiense causes African Sleeping Sickness
  6. Glossina palpalis is commonly called 'tse tse fly'.
  7. Phlebotomus papatasi is called 'sand fly'
  8. Spongilla is the fresh water sponge
  9. Cliona is commonly called 'boring sponge'. 
  10. Scypha is called 'crown/urn sponge'.
  11. Choanocytes are the cells found exclusively in sponges.
  12. Nervous system is absent in sponges.
  13. Nervous system for the first time has made its appearance in coelenterates. 
  14. Poison present in coelenterates is called 'hypnotoxin'
  15. Reserve food material in sponges is stored in thesocytes. 
  16. Choanocytes are called collar cells. 
  17. Halichondria is called 'bread sponge'. 
  18. Nematocysts are the stinging cells present in coelenterates.
  19. Coelenterates are called 'stinging animalcules'
  20. Protozoans are called 'wretched animalcules'
  21. Paramecium is called 'slipper animalcule'
  22. Euglena is called 'eye animalcule'
  23. Most primitive protozoan is euglena.
  24. Reserve food material present in euglena is paramylum.
  25. Eye spot or stigma is present in euglena.
  26. Locomotory organelle in euglena is flagellum
  27. Ciliates are the fastest protozoans
  28. Infraciliary system is present in ciliates.
  29. Conjugation is the sexual reproduction found in paramecium.
  30. If the motorium of paramecium is removed, it can not move. 
  31. Ciliates normally exhibit nuclear dimorphism. 
  32. Paramecium contains two contractile vacuoles at anterior and posterior sides.
  33. Posterior contractile vacuole in Paramecium functions more vigorously  than anterior one as it is nearer to cytopharynx.
  34. Paramecium is a ciliary feeder.
  35. Trypanosoma gambiense is present in cerebrospinal fluid.
  36. Vorticella is called 'bell animalcule'
  37. Animalcules can not be seen with the naked eye.
  38. The Great Australian Barrier Reef is the biggest coral reef. 
  39. Lichens are the indicators of air pollution.
  40. Corals are the indicators of water pollution.
  41. Vorticella is the sedentary ciliate.
  42. Corals are made up of calcium carbonate.
  43. Corals are the exoskeletal structures of coelenterates.
  44. Pearls are the exoskeletal structures of molluscs
  45. The term Annelida was coined by Lamarck.
  46. The term Mollusca was coined by Aristotle
  47. The term Arthropoda was coined by Vonsiebold.
  48. Limulus is also called king crab or horse shoe crab.
  49. Fasciola hepatica is called 'liver fluke'
  50. Schistosoma haematobium is called blood fluke
  51. Longest tape worm is Dibothrio cephalus latus
  52. Dibothrio cephalus latus is called fish tapeworm 
  53. Anterior part of Taenia solium is called scolex
  54. Taenia solium is called 'armed tapeworm' as it contains hooks.
  55. Taenia saginata is called 'unarmed tapeworm' as it does not contain hooks. 
  56. Taenia solium infection is not seen in Islamic and Jewish countries as pork eating is a taboo there.
  57. Ascaris lumbricoides is called round worm.
  58. Rhabditiform larva is seen in Ascaris lumbricoides.
  59. Ascaris lumbricoides is a monogenetic parasite.
  60. Entamoeba histolytica is a monogenetic parasite.
  61. Monogenetic parasite completes its life cycle in a single host.
  62. Digenetic parasite completes its life cycle in two hosts.
  63. The host in which the sexual life cycle of the parasite takes place is called primary host.
  64. The host in which the asexual life cycle of the parasite takes place is called secondary host.
  65. Pathogen is one that causes suffering in human being.
  66. Ancylostoma duodenale is called 'hook worm'
  67. Loa loa is called 'African eye worm'
  68. Calabar eye swelling is caused by Loa loa
  69. Dracunculus mediensis is called Guinea worm 
  70. Filariasis is spread through the bite of female Culex.
  71. Sexual dimorphism for the first time found in Nematodes.
  72. Nematodes are pseudocoelomates
  73. Platyhelminthes are acoelomates.
  74. In Platyhelminthes worms the body cavity is filled up with paranchyma or mesenchyma
  75. Coelom lined with mesoderm is called true coelom.
  76. Coelom formed through splitting up of mesoderm is called schizocoel.
  77. True metamerism is found in annelids
  78. Pseudo metamerism is found in Platyhelminthes.
  79. In true metamerism, new segments arise from the anal region.
  80. In pseudo metamerism, new segments arise from neck region.
  81. Aphrodite is called 'sea mouse'.
  82. Hirudinaria granulosa is called 'Indian cattle leech'.
  83. Sebella is called 'peacock worm'.
  84. Chaetopterus is called 'paddle worm'.
  85. Eunice is called 'polalo worm'. 
  86. Scientific name of head louse is 'Pediculus humanus capitus'
  87. Xenopsylla is rat flea
  88. Scientific name of lac insect is Laccifera lacca or Tachardia lacca
  89. Honey bees and ants are social insects
  90. Honey bees communicate through dance.
  91. Bee dance language was decoded by Von Frisch
  92. Scientific name of bed bug is 'Cimex lactularis'
  93. Pinctada vulgaris is called pearl oyster
  94. Solen is commonly called 'razor shell'.
  95. Radula is the rasping organ found in Pila or snail.
  96. Holothuroidians are called sea cucumbers
  97. Heart urchin is scientifically called Echinocardium
  98. Balanoglossus is called 'tongue worm'.
  99. Muscle phosphogen present in chordates is creatine phosphate
  100. Muscle phosphogen present in invertebrates is creatine arginase. 
  101. Creatine phosphate is responsible for rejuvenating ATP. 
  102. Herdmania exhibits retrogressive metamorphosis.
  103. Herdmania is commonly called sea squirt.
  104. Amphioxus is commonly called lancelet. 
  105. Urochordata includes the animals in which notochord is confined only to tail region.
  106. Cephalochordata includes animals in which notochord is extended even into the head. 
  107. Trigon is called sting ray.
  108. Biggest RBC in Animal Kingdom is found in Amphiuma
  109. Amphiuma is commonly called Congo eel.
  110. Poisonous frog is Phyllobates.
  111. Alytes is called 'midwife toad'. Pipa americana is commonly called 'Surinum toad'.
  112. North America is called 'Head quarters of Urodeles'
  113. Heloderma is the only poisonous lizard in the world.
  114. Phrynosoma is the lizard that squirts blood from eye when agitated.
  115. Draco is flying lizard
  116. Pteropus is called flying fox
  117. Eryx jhoni is called 'double headed snake'.
  118. Dryophis is called whip snake or wine snake.
  119. Animals that lay eggs are called oviparous
  120. Animals that give birth to young ones are called viviparous. 
  121. Wuchereria bancrofti is ovoviviparous
  122. Prototherians are the egg laying mammals.
  123. Presence of four optic lobes in mammals is called corpora quadrigemina
  124. Presence of four optic lobes in birds is called corpora bigemina
  125. Tropidonatus is a fresh water snake
  126. All fresh water snakes are non poisonous.
  127. Ptyas is called rat snake as it extensively feeds on rats. 

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