Thursday, February 25, 2016


- Frog contains maxillary teeth and vomerine teeth

- Maxillary teeth present in frog are not useful for mastication, but simply prevent the escape of the prey from oral cavity. 

- Frog performs cutaneous, pulmonary and buccopharyngeal respiration.

- Eggs with large quantity of yolk are called megalecithal.

- Eggs with less quantity of yolk are called microlecithal.

- Eggs with moderate quantity of yolk are called mesolecithal.

- Eggs those lack yolk are called alecithal.

- Eggs containing animal and vegetal poles are called telolecithal.

- Eggs in which yolk is concentrated at the center are called centrolecithal.

- Insects have centrolecithal eggs. 

- GABA is Gama Amino Butyric Acid.

- Ozone layer is present in stratosphere.

- Aeroplanes and jet planes travel in stratosphere.

- Clouds are absent in stratosphere.

- Troposphere is the bottom most layer of atmosphere. 

- Digestion in protozoans is intracellular.

- Digestion in coelenterates is both intracellular and extracellular.

- Digestion in man is extracellular. 

- Extracellular digestion is the most advanced type of digestion. 

- Digestion in protozoans occurs in food vacuole.

- Digestion in sponges occur in choanocytes. 

- Formation of specific head is called cephalization. 

- Cephalization facilitates the concentration of sense organs in the anterior region called head. 

- Cephalization is associated with bilateral symmetry. 

- Euspongia is commonly called 'bath sponge'. 

- Euplectella is called 'Venus Flower Basket' and it is given as a gift in marriages in Japan. 

- Hylonema is called 'Glass rope sponge'. 

- Physalia is called 'Portuguese man of war'.

- Anticoagulant present in saliva of mosquito is hemolysin.

- Anticoagulant present in saliva of leech is hirudin

- Letting out blood from wounds by using leech is called phlebotomy.

- Leeches are parasitic annelids.

- Larva of mosquito is wriggler.

- Larva of house fly is maggot

- Larva of honey bee is grub.

- Larva of butterfly is caterpillar.

- Pupa of mosquito is tumbler. 

- Pupa of butterfly is chrysalis. 

- Cockroach is omnivorous.

- Mouth parts in cockroach is of biting and chewing type. 

- Ommatidia are the units of compound eye. 

- Nephron is the unit of kidney.

- Neuron is the unit of nervous system. 

- Sarcomere is the unit of muscle contraction.

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