Wednesday, February 24, 2016


- Protein present in hair is keratin

- Protein that imparts color to skin is melanin

- Protein present in yolk is vitelline.

- White yolk is albumin.

- Expulsion of urine is called micturition.

- Child birth is called parturition. 

- Increase in the count of RBC is polycythemia.

- Decrease in the count of RBC is anemia 

- Cells present in retina are rods and cones.

- Rods of retina are useful for dark vision. 

- Cones of retina are useful for color differntiation. 

- Pigment present in rods is called rodopsin.

- Primary function of ear is balancing and its secondary function is hearing.

- Sebaceous glands of mammals secrete sebum and this is useful for the synthesis of vitamin D in presence of UV light.

- Vitamin D is the cheapest vitamin. 

- Vitamin A is chemically called retinol. 

- Vitamin C is chemically called ascorbic acid.

- Amla is the richest source of vitamin C

- Vitamin C is called wound healing vitamin. 

- Vitamin C is also called anti cold vitamin.

- Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets and this is characterized by knock knees and bow legs. 

- Vitamin D is called anti rachitic vitamin.

- Vitamin that functions like a hormone is D

- Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism. 

- Pigeon breast is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D

- Vitamin E is called anti sterility  vitamin.

- Muscle cramps are caused by the deficiency of vitamin E.

- Vitamins B & C are water soluble.

- Vitamins A,D,E & K are fat soluble.

- Vitamins A,D,E & K require bile for their absorption as they are fat soluble.

- There is no hyper vitaminosis for B & C due to their water soluble nature. Excess B & C vitamins are excreted  through urine. 

- Proteins present in muscle are actin and myosin. 

- Monocytes are called internal scavengers.

- Neutrophils are called micro policemen. 

- Urea is transported by plasma to kidneys for elimination. 

- Sort sight is technically called myopia

- Long sight is technically called hypermetropia.

- Myopia is corrected by concave lens.

- Hypermetropia is corrected by convex lens.

- Astigmatism is corrected by cylindrical lens. 

- IOL means Intra Occular Lens.

- Soleus is the muscle that acts like a second heart. 

- Stepedius is the smallest muscle.

- Gluteus maximus is the largest muscle. 

- National bird of India is peacock or Pavo cristatus

- State bird of Andhra Pradesh is Blue jey or Coracius bengalensis. 

- Micturition is involuntary in infants and voluntary in adults. 

- Most abundant inorganic compound present in molluscan shells is calcium carbonate.

- Most abundant organic compound present in molluscan shells is conchiolin.

- Scoliodon is called Indian Dog fish. 

- Octopus is called devil fish

- Lepisma is called silver fish or book worm. 

- Dravida grandis and Megascolex are South Indian earth worms.

- Pheritima posthuma is North Indian earthworm 

- Earth worm respires through skin.

- If the skin of earth worm is dried with blotting paper, it dies due to asphyxiation. 

- Lack of breath is called asphyxiation. 

- Excretory organs in earth worm are nephridia

- Excretory organs in insects are malphigian tubules. 

- Dipnoi fish are lung breathing fishes.

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