Wednesday, February 24, 2016

                                         General Zoology for all Competitive Examinations

- Father of Biology is Aristotle

- Father of Genetics is Gregor Mendel 

- Mendel worked on Garden Pea plant which is scientifically called "Pisum sativum"

- Thomas Hunt Morgan is called "father of Modern Genetics.

- Thomas Hunt Morgan worked on Drosophila and this is commonly called fruit fly.

- Drosophila is called "genetic Cinderella"

- The term 'evolution' was coined by Herbert Spencer

- The term 'Biology' was coined by Lamarck

- Longest animal cell is neuron

- Longest neuron is present in giraffe

- Animal with highest blood pressure is giraffe

- Longest bone is femur or thigh bone

- Shortest bone is stapes and it is present in ear.

- Knee cap is called patella

- Collar bone is clavicle

- Sternum is also called breast bone

- Muscles present between ribs are called intercostal muscles.

- Neurons do not divide as they do not contain centrioles

- Largest animal cell is ostrich egg

- Smallest animal cell is PPLO/Pluro Pneumonia Like Organism/ Micoplasma gallisepticum

- Muscle fatigue is caused by accumulation of lactic acid. 

- Cardiac muscles do not undergo fatigue.

- Lactic acid is 2- Hydroxy Propanoic acid

- Lactic acid is present in curd.

- Citric acid is present in citrus fruits.

- Acid present in red ant is formic acid.

- Formic acid is HCOOH

- Lactobacillus converts milk into curd.

- Bacillus is a rod shaped bacteria

- Vibrio is a comma shaped bactria

- Spirli is spiral shaped bacteria.

- Coccus is round bacteria.

- Typhoid is an intestinal disorder

- Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhus

- Typhoid is diagnosed by Widal test

- Tuberculosis is caused by Micobacterium tuberculosis.

- Any part of human body is affected with TB.

- Pulmonary TB is common. 

- Penicillin is the first antibiotic.

- Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. 

- Penicillin was called 'wonder drug'.

- Streptomycin was discovered by Waksman

- Penicillin was extracted from Penicillium notatum.

- Penicillin saved the lives of many soldiers during Second World war.

- Lactobacillus and Bifido bacteria act as probiotics.

- Malaria is caused by Plasmodium

- Plasmodium was discovered by Charles Laveran.

- Charles Laveran is called father of malariology.

- Ronald Ross discovered the oocysts of malarial parasite in the stomach wall of mosquito. 

- Female Anopheles is a primary host of malarial parasite. 

- Quinine is used in the treatment of malaria

- Quinine is extracted from the bark of Cinchona afficinalis.

- Elephantiasis is also called filariasis.

- Filariasis is caused by a nematode parasite Wuchereria bancrofti.

- Malaria vaccine was designed by Vasim Siddique

- Biggest phylum in Animal Kingdom is Arthropoda

- Second Biggest phylum in Animal Kingdom is Mollusca

- Biggest class in Animal kingdom is insecta.

- Insects are called hexapods as they contain six legs.

- Scorpion and spider are not insects as they have eight legs.

- Teania solium is called 'Pork tape worm'.

- Taenia saginata is called ' Beef tape worm'.

- Archituethis is the biggest invertebrate. It is also called 'Giant Squid'.

- Pila globosa is commonly called 'Apple snail'.

- Sea snake is the most poisonous snake.

- Hydrophis and Enhydrina are sea snakes.

- Sea snakes are viviparous. 

- There is no antidote to the bite of sea snakes.

- Krait is the most poisonous terrestrial snake. It is scientifically called 'Bungarus'.

- King cobra is called 'Naja hanna'. It feeds on other snakes, hence it is called 'Ophiophagous hanna'.

- Poison of cobra, sea snake and krait is neurotoxin.

- Neurotoxin is a poison that acts on nervous system.

- The victim of cobra's bite dies due to suffocation as the cobra's venom acts on medulla oblongata.

- Medulla oblongata is the respiratory center.

- Medulla oblongata controls all the involuntary activities.

- Cerebellum of brain controls voluntary muscle activities.

- Cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain.

- The junction between two neurons is called synapse.

- Chemicals secreted at neuron are called neurotransmitters.

- Acetyl choline is a neurotransmitter.

- Motor end plate is called neuromuscular junction.

- Junction between muscle and neuron is called neuromuscular junction. 

- Skeletal muscles are attached to bone and they are voluntary.

- Only skeletal muscle without bone is tongue.

- Tongue is an intrinsic muscle.

- Smooth muscles are called visceral muscles and they are involuntary. 

- Permanent contraction of muscles after death is called rigor mortis.

- Endoplasmic reticulum present in muscle is called sarcoplasmic reticulum and it is of smooth type.

- Calcium ions are required for muscle contraction. 

- Sodium and Potassium ions are required for nerve impulse transmission. 

- Chalina is a sponge that is called 'Dead man's fingers'. 

- Sponges do not have tissues. 

- Digestion is chemically hydrolysis and digestive enzymes are collectively called hydrolases. 

- Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose. 

- In man there are four types of teeth namely incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

- Wisdom teeth are molars.

- Wisdom teeth are vestigial.

- Largest organ is skin.

- Largest gland is liver.

- Largest endocrine gland is Thyroid.

- Thyroid is called 'Adam's Apple'. 

- Smallest endocrine gland is Pituitary.

- Pituitary gland is called "Master gland" or "Bandmaster of endocrine orchestra"

- Sex hormones are steroid hormones. 

- Thyroxine hormone is required for metamorphosis.

- Spleen is called 'Graveyard of RBC'.

- Spleen swells during malaria infection.

- Organ with maximum power of regeneration is liver.

- Organ with minimum power of regeneration is brain. 

- Cancer is defined as unregulated proliferation of cells. 

- Cancer of cervix is common in women followed by breast cancer.

- Pop smear test is done to diagnose uterus or cervix cancer. 

- Neck of uterus is called cervix.

- Removal of uterus is called hysterectomy.

- Biggest bird is ostrich.

- Ostrich is scientifically called 'Struthio camelus'

- Smallest bird is 'Humming bird'.

- Biggest insect is Attacus atlas

- Biggest chordate is "Balenoptera musculus" or "Blue whale".

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