Thursday, February 25, 2016


  1. Use and disuse theory was proposed by Lamarck.
  2. Inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by Lamarck.
  3. Charles Darwin is the father of evolution
  4. Chromosomes are called vehicles of hereditary. 
  5. Diploid number of chromosomes in man is 46
  6. In humans, females contain XX chromosomes and males contain XY chromosomes.
  7. TB bacterium was discovered by Robert Koch.
  8. Father of Homeopathy is Haniman.
  9. Rabies is characterized by Hydrophobia.
  10. Fear of water is called hydrophobia.
  11. Glyoxisomes are absent in animal cells.
  12. Deoxiribose & ribose are pentose sugars. 
  13. Adenine,guanine,cytosine and thymine are the nucleotides present in DNA.
  14. In RNA thymine is replaced by Uracil.
  15. Formation of mRNA from DNA is called transcription.
  16. Formation of DNA from DNA is called replication
  17. AIDS is caused by HIV
  18. HIV: Human Immuno Virus
  19. Genetic material in HIV is RNA
  20. Formation of DNA from mRNA is called reverse transcription.
  21. Enzyme present in HIV is reverse trancriptase.
  22. ART is Anti Retro Viral Therapy.
  23. Zidovudine is used to treat AIDS.
  24. Neverapine is used to prevent the spread of HIV to fetus from mother 
  25. Dipnoi fish show discontinuous distribution.
  26. Chelonia are the animals with longest life span
  27. Turtles, tortoises and terrapins belong to chelonia.
  28. Turtles are marine, terrapins are freshwater and tortoises are amphibious.
  29. Chelone mydas is called 'Green edible turtle'.
  30. Poison of scorpion is neurotoxin.
  31. FOX P2 gene is responsible for communication skills in human beings.
  32. P53 is called 'Guardian angel of human genome. 
  33. Scientific name of human is 'Homo spiense'
  34. Number of bones in human is 206
  35. Number of bones in infants is more than that of adults.
  36. Cranial capacity of modern man is 1360 CC
  37. Cromagnon man was the closest fossil to modern man.
  38. Cromagnon man was expert in making stone tools.
  39. Neander valley is present in Germany.
  40. Neanderthal man fossil was discovered in Neander valley of Germany.
  41. Philadelphia chromosome is related to leukemia.
  42. Color blindness and hemophilia are more common in men than woman
  43. Hemophilia is called 'Bleeder's disease or 'Royal disease"
  44. Hemophilia was found in the pedigree of Queen Victoria.
  45. Genes exclusively present on Y chromosome are called 'Holandric genes'.
  46. O negative blood group is called universal donor
  47. AB positive blood group is called universal recipient 
  48. Sickle cell anemia patients are immune to malaria.
  49. In man Vermiform Appendix is vestigial.
  50. The term 'Genetics' was coined by Bateson

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