- Hippocampus is known as 'sea horse'.
- Male Hippocampus has a brood pouch.
- Hippocampus exhibits parental care.
- Sphyrna is commonly called 'Hammer headed shark'.
- Pristis is 'saw fish'.
- Shark is a viviparous fish.
- Sharks are commonly called 'sea wolves'.
- Exocoetus is a 'flying fish'.
- Echeneis is called 'sucker fish'.
- Neoceratodus is Australian Lung fish
- Protopterus is African lung fish
- Lepidosiren is South American Lung fish.
- Latimeria chalumne is the living fossil in fishes. It is a coelocanth fish.
- Dipnoi fishes are called 'Uncles of Amphibia' by Romer.
- Romer called Prototherians as 'Unfinished mammals'.
- Huxley called birds as 'Glorified Reptiles'
- Young called birds as 'Masters of Air'.
- Gambusia is the fish used to control malaria as it feeds on mosquito larvae.
- Torpedo and Narcine are called electric rays
- Amphibians are the first sound producing animals.
- Neoteny is the extension of larval stage.
- Attainment of reproductive maturity by larva is called peadogenesis.
- Neoteny is the cause and paedogenesis is the effect.
- Neoteny is normally induced in the animals that are present in iodine deficient waters.
- If thyroid gland of tadpole larva is surgically removed, it does not undergo metamorphosis.
- Inactive form of any enzyme is called zymogen.
- Pepsinogen is an inactive form of pepsin
- Prorenin is the inactive form of renin.
- Enamel is the strongest part of the body.
- Gastric juice is acidic in nature as it contains HCl
- Intestinal juice is called 'succus entericus'
- Enzymes are biocatalysts
- Amino acids form zwitter ions
- Amino acids exhibit isoelectric point.
- Oxygen shortage is technically known as hypoxia
- Muscles of diaphragm are called phrenic muscles.
- Diaphragm is a dome shaped structure that separates thoracic cavity form abdominal cavity.
- Diaphragm aids in respiration.
- If a person is found dead in an accident but there are no external injuries, the death might have occurred due to puncture of diaphragm.
- The vocal sacs of frog help only in resonating the sound.
- Trachea in mammals is lined by 'C' shaped incomplete cartilaginous rings.
- Subcutaneous fat present in whales is called blubber.
- BAT: Brown Adipose Tissue
- WAT: White Adipose Tissue
- Dorsal skeletal structure found in chelonians is called carapase.
- Ventral skeletal structure found in chelonians is called plastron
- Birds and mammals are warm blooded or homeotherms.
- Fish, Amphibians and reptiles are cold blooded animals.
- Reptiles, aves and mammals are called amniotes as they contain amnion.
- Fish and amphibians are called anamniotes as they lack amnion.
- Vertebrate heart is called myogenic heart.
- Invertebrate heart is called neurogenic heart.
- Increase in heart beat is called 'tachy cardia'
- Decrease in heart beat is called 'brady cardia'.
- If the heart is slightly tilted towards right, it is called 'dextro cardia'.
- Adrenal medulla is not controlled by pituitary gland.
- In menstrual cycle, there is shedding of endometrium
- In oestrous cycle, endometrium of uterus is absorbed.
- Period required for intrauterine development is called gestation period.
- Elephant has longest gestation period.
- Opossum has shortest gestation period.
- If the egg is divided into vegetal and animal poles, such egg is called 'telolecithal'
- Division of zygote is called cleavage.
- Cleavage is mitotic.
- Sex is determined at the time of fertilization.
- In human beings, father decides the sex as he happens to be heterozygous.
- Embryonic cells are totipotent.
- Totipotent cells are those cells that have the capacity to develop into complete individual.
- Formation of notochord is called notogenesis
- Formation of organs during embryonic development is called organogenesis.
- Spermatozoa apart from contributing haploid set of chromosomes provides stimulus for cleavage.
- Unfertilized egg of frog undergoes division, if pricked with needle.
- Echis carinata is called Phoorsa snake or saw scaled viper or Little Indian viper.
- In Echis carinata, there is an arrow shaped mark on the head.
- Russel's viper is the largest viper.
- Single row of hexagonal vertebrals is foumd on krait.
- Trimerisurus is also called Lachesis or bamboo pit viper or horse shoe viper.
- If the bitten snake is identified, anti venom is given to the victim.
- If the bitten snake is not identified, poly venom is given to the victim.
- If one poisonous snake bites another poisonous snake, the snake that is bitten dies.
- Presence of hood is the characteristic feature of cobra.
- V shaped bone found in birds is called furcula
- Furcula of birds is called wish bone or merry thought bone
- Pygostyle is the plough shaped bone present in birds
- Rectrices are tail feathers
- Remiges are wing feathers
- Pneumatic bones are air filled bones found in flying birds.
- Flight less birds are not represented in India
- Gallus gallus is the scientific name of fowl.
- Psittacula is the scientific name of parrot.
- Bubo is the scientific name owl
- Birds have got telescopic vision.
- Bubo is the only bird that has binocular vision.
- Passer domesticus is the scientific name of sparrow.
- Scientific name of Arctic tern is Sterna macruara
- Aptenodytes is called 'emperor penguin'.
- Coracius bengalensis is commonly called Indian roller.
- Duck has pseudo penis
- Largest ape is Gorilla
- Smallest ape is Hyalobates.
Very nice