Monday, February 29, 2016


1. Father of Zoology is
    a. Aristotle  b. Lamarck  c. Theophrastus  d. Mendel

2. Hydra belongs to the phylum
    a. protozoa   b. arthropoda  c. coelenterata  d. Echinodermata

3. Star fish belongs to the phylum
    a. protozoa   b. arthropoda  c. coelenterata  d. Echinodermata

4. Scorpions & spiders belong to the phylum
     a. protozoa   b. arthropoda  c. coelenterata  d. Echinodermata

5. Amoeba belongs to the phylum
    a. protozoa   b. arthropoda  c. coelenterata  d. Echinodermata

6. Knee bone is technically called
    a. clavicle  b. sternum  c. patella d. furcula

7. Collar bone is technically called
    a. clavicle  b. sternum  c. patella d. furcula

8. Plant product used in the treatment of cardiac problems is
    a. quinine  b. digitalin  c. reserpine  d. vinblastin

9. Digitalin is extracted from
    a. Vinca rosea  b. Fox glove  c. Rauwulfia serpentina d. Oscimum sanctum

10. Vinblastin & Vincristin are extracted from
      a. Vinca rosea  b. Fox glove  c. Rauwulfia serpentina d. Oscimum sanctum

11. Plant product used to cure hyper tension is
      a. quinine  b. digitalin  c. reserpine  d. vinblastin

12. Plant product used to treat cancer is
      a. quinine  b. digitalin  c. reserpine  d. vinblastin

13. Oil of Mirbane is
      a. benzene b. camphor c. phenol d. nitrobenzene

14. Vicks has
       a. menthol b. aspirin c. nimusulide d. dichlofenac

15. Acetyl salicyclic acid is
      a. menthol b. aspirin c. nimusulide d. dichlofenac

16. Growth in animals and plants is accomplished by
       a. mitosis  b. meiosis c. amitosis d. both a & b

17. Female Culex bite causes
      a. malaria b. filariasis c. tuberculosis d. Typhoid

18. Anticoagulant that prevents the coagulation of blood in blood vessels is
      a. heparin b. prothrombin c. fibrinogen d. urea

19. National Science Day
      a. March 20th  b. April 2nd  c. February 28 d. December 1st

20. Ions required for blood coagulation are
      a. Iron  b. manganese c. magnesium d. calcium

Sunday, February 28, 2016

At Afflatus Global School on the occasion  of Science Day 2016

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spreading Science is our first priority

  1. Hippocampus is known as 'sea horse'. 
  2. Male Hippocampus has a brood pouch.
  3. Hippocampus exhibits parental care. 
  4. Sphyrna is commonly called 'Hammer headed shark'. 
  5. Pristis is 'saw fish'. 
  6. Shark is a viviparous fish.
  7. Sharks are commonly called 'sea wolves'.
  8. Exocoetus is a 'flying fish'.
  9. Echeneis is called 'sucker fish'.
  10. Neoceratodus is Australian Lung fish
  11. Protopterus is African lung fish
  12. Lepidosiren is South American Lung fish.
  13. Latimeria chalumne is the living fossil in fishes. It is a coelocanth fish.
  14. Dipnoi fishes are called 'Uncles of Amphibia' by Romer.
  15. Romer called Prototherians as 'Unfinished mammals'.
  16. Huxley called birds as 'Glorified Reptiles'
  17. Young called birds as 'Masters of Air'.
  18. Gambusia is the fish used to control malaria as it feeds on mosquito larvae.
  19. Torpedo and Narcine are called electric rays
  20. Amphibians are the first sound producing animals.
  21. Neoteny is the extension of larval stage.
  22. Attainment of reproductive maturity by larva is called peadogenesis.
  23. Neoteny is the cause and paedogenesis is the effect.
  24. Neoteny is normally induced in the animals that are present in iodine deficient waters.
  25. If thyroid gland of tadpole larva is surgically removed, it does not undergo metamorphosis.
  26. Inactive form of any enzyme is called zymogen.
  27. Pepsinogen is an inactive form of pepsin
  28. Prorenin is the inactive form of renin.
  29. Enamel is the strongest part of the body.
  30. Gastric juice is acidic in nature as it contains HCl
  31. Intestinal juice is called 'succus entericus'
  32. Enzymes are biocatalysts
  33. Amino acids form zwitter ions
  34. Amino acids exhibit isoelectric point.
  35. Oxygen shortage is technically known as hypoxia
  36. Muscles of diaphragm are called phrenic muscles.
  37. Diaphragm is a dome shaped structure that separates thoracic cavity form abdominal cavity.
  38. Diaphragm aids in respiration.
  39. If a person is found dead in an accident but there are no external injuries, the death might have occurred  due to puncture of diaphragm.
  40. The vocal sacs of frog help only in resonating the sound.
  41. Trachea in mammals is lined by 'C' shaped incomplete cartilaginous rings.
  42. Subcutaneous fat present in whales is called blubber.
  43. BAT: Brown Adipose Tissue
  44. WAT: White Adipose Tissue
  45. Dorsal skeletal structure found in chelonians is called carapase.
  46. Ventral skeletal structure found in chelonians is called plastron
  47. Birds and mammals are warm blooded or homeotherms.
  48. Fish, Amphibians and reptiles are cold blooded animals.
  49. Reptiles, aves and mammals are called amniotes as they contain amnion.
  50. Fish and amphibians are called anamniotes as they lack amnion. 
  51. Vertebrate heart is called myogenic heart.
  52. Invertebrate heart is called neurogenic heart.
  53. Increase in heart beat is called 'tachy cardia'
  54. Decrease in heart beat is called 'brady cardia'.
  55. If the heart is slightly tilted towards right, it is called 'dextro cardia'. 
  56. Adrenal medulla is not controlled by pituitary gland. 
  57. In menstrual cycle, there is shedding of endometrium
  58. In oestrous cycle, endometrium of uterus is absorbed.
  59. Period required for intrauterine development is called gestation period.
  60. Elephant has longest gestation period.
  61. Opossum has shortest gestation period.
  62. If the egg is divided into vegetal and animal poles, such egg is called 'telolecithal' 
  63. Division of zygote is called cleavage.
  64. Cleavage is mitotic.
  65. Sex is determined at the time of fertilization.
  66. In human beings, father decides the sex as he happens to be heterozygous.
  67. Embryonic cells are totipotent.
  68. Totipotent cells are those cells that have the capacity to develop into complete individual.
  69. Formation of notochord is called notogenesis
  70. Formation of organs during embryonic development is called organogenesis.
  71. Spermatozoa apart from contributing haploid set of chromosomes provides stimulus for cleavage.
  72. Unfertilized egg of frog undergoes division, if pricked with needle. 
  73. Echis carinata is called Phoorsa snake or saw scaled viper or Little Indian viper.
  74. In Echis carinata, there is an arrow shaped mark on the head.
  75. Russel's viper is the largest viper.
  76. Single row of hexagonal vertebrals is foumd on krait. 
  77. Trimerisurus is also called Lachesis or bamboo pit viper or horse shoe viper.
  78. If the bitten snake is identified, anti venom is given to the victim.
  79. If the bitten snake is not identified, poly venom is given to the victim.
  80. If one poisonous snake bites another poisonous snake, the snake that is bitten dies.
  81. Presence of hood is the characteristic feature of cobra.
  82. V shaped bone found in birds is called furcula
  83. Furcula of birds is called wish bone or merry thought bone
  84. Pygostyle is the plough shaped bone present in birds
  85. Rectrices are tail feathers
  86. Remiges are wing feathers
  87. Pneumatic bones are air filled bones found in flying birds.
  88. Flight less birds are not represented in India
  89. Gallus gallus is the scientific name of fowl.
  90. Psittacula is the scientific name of parrot.
  91. Bubo is the scientific name owl
  92. Birds have got telescopic vision. 
  93. Bubo is the only bird that has binocular vision.
  94. Passer domesticus is the scientific name of sparrow.
  95. Scientific name of Arctic tern is Sterna macruara
  96. Aptenodytes is called 'emperor penguin'.
  97. Coracius bengalensis is commonly called Indian roller. 
  98. Duck has pseudo penis
  99. Largest ape is Gorilla
  100. Smallest ape is Hyalobates.

Friday, February 26, 2016


  1. Entamoeba gingivalis causes pyorrhoea.
  2. Entamoeba gingivalis is present in gums and teeth.
  3. Giardia intestinalis is called Grand Old man of intestine. 
  4. Giardia causes Giardiasis.
  5. Trypanosoma gambiense causes African Sleeping Sickness
  6. Glossina palpalis is commonly called 'tse tse fly'.
  7. Phlebotomus papatasi is called 'sand fly'
  8. Spongilla is the fresh water sponge
  9. Cliona is commonly called 'boring sponge'. 
  10. Scypha is called 'crown/urn sponge'.
  11. Choanocytes are the cells found exclusively in sponges.
  12. Nervous system is absent in sponges.
  13. Nervous system for the first time has made its appearance in coelenterates. 
  14. Poison present in coelenterates is called 'hypnotoxin'
  15. Reserve food material in sponges is stored in thesocytes. 
  16. Choanocytes are called collar cells. 
  17. Halichondria is called 'bread sponge'. 
  18. Nematocysts are the stinging cells present in coelenterates.
  19. Coelenterates are called 'stinging animalcules'
  20. Protozoans are called 'wretched animalcules'
  21. Paramecium is called 'slipper animalcule'
  22. Euglena is called 'eye animalcule'
  23. Most primitive protozoan is euglena.
  24. Reserve food material present in euglena is paramylum.
  25. Eye spot or stigma is present in euglena.
  26. Locomotory organelle in euglena is flagellum
  27. Ciliates are the fastest protozoans
  28. Infraciliary system is present in ciliates.
  29. Conjugation is the sexual reproduction found in paramecium.
  30. If the motorium of paramecium is removed, it can not move. 
  31. Ciliates normally exhibit nuclear dimorphism. 
  32. Paramecium contains two contractile vacuoles at anterior and posterior sides.
  33. Posterior contractile vacuole in Paramecium functions more vigorously  than anterior one as it is nearer to cytopharynx.
  34. Paramecium is a ciliary feeder.
  35. Trypanosoma gambiense is present in cerebrospinal fluid.
  36. Vorticella is called 'bell animalcule'
  37. Animalcules can not be seen with the naked eye.
  38. The Great Australian Barrier Reef is the biggest coral reef. 
  39. Lichens are the indicators of air pollution.
  40. Corals are the indicators of water pollution.
  41. Vorticella is the sedentary ciliate.
  42. Corals are made up of calcium carbonate.
  43. Corals are the exoskeletal structures of coelenterates.
  44. Pearls are the exoskeletal structures of molluscs
  45. The term Annelida was coined by Lamarck.
  46. The term Mollusca was coined by Aristotle
  47. The term Arthropoda was coined by Vonsiebold.
  48. Limulus is also called king crab or horse shoe crab.
  49. Fasciola hepatica is called 'liver fluke'
  50. Schistosoma haematobium is called blood fluke
  51. Longest tape worm is Dibothrio cephalus latus
  52. Dibothrio cephalus latus is called fish tapeworm 
  53. Anterior part of Taenia solium is called scolex
  54. Taenia solium is called 'armed tapeworm' as it contains hooks.
  55. Taenia saginata is called 'unarmed tapeworm' as it does not contain hooks. 
  56. Taenia solium infection is not seen in Islamic and Jewish countries as pork eating is a taboo there.
  57. Ascaris lumbricoides is called round worm.
  58. Rhabditiform larva is seen in Ascaris lumbricoides.
  59. Ascaris lumbricoides is a monogenetic parasite.
  60. Entamoeba histolytica is a monogenetic parasite.
  61. Monogenetic parasite completes its life cycle in a single host.
  62. Digenetic parasite completes its life cycle in two hosts.
  63. The host in which the sexual life cycle of the parasite takes place is called primary host.
  64. The host in which the asexual life cycle of the parasite takes place is called secondary host.
  65. Pathogen is one that causes suffering in human being.
  66. Ancylostoma duodenale is called 'hook worm'
  67. Loa loa is called 'African eye worm'
  68. Calabar eye swelling is caused by Loa loa
  69. Dracunculus mediensis is called Guinea worm 
  70. Filariasis is spread through the bite of female Culex.
  71. Sexual dimorphism for the first time found in Nematodes.
  72. Nematodes are pseudocoelomates
  73. Platyhelminthes are acoelomates.
  74. In Platyhelminthes worms the body cavity is filled up with paranchyma or mesenchyma
  75. Coelom lined with mesoderm is called true coelom.
  76. Coelom formed through splitting up of mesoderm is called schizocoel.
  77. True metamerism is found in annelids
  78. Pseudo metamerism is found in Platyhelminthes.
  79. In true metamerism, new segments arise from the anal region.
  80. In pseudo metamerism, new segments arise from neck region.
  81. Aphrodite is called 'sea mouse'.
  82. Hirudinaria granulosa is called 'Indian cattle leech'.
  83. Sebella is called 'peacock worm'.
  84. Chaetopterus is called 'paddle worm'.
  85. Eunice is called 'polalo worm'. 
  86. Scientific name of head louse is 'Pediculus humanus capitus'
  87. Xenopsylla is rat flea
  88. Scientific name of lac insect is Laccifera lacca or Tachardia lacca
  89. Honey bees and ants are social insects
  90. Honey bees communicate through dance.
  91. Bee dance language was decoded by Von Frisch
  92. Scientific name of bed bug is 'Cimex lactularis'
  93. Pinctada vulgaris is called pearl oyster
  94. Solen is commonly called 'razor shell'.
  95. Radula is the rasping organ found in Pila or snail.
  96. Holothuroidians are called sea cucumbers
  97. Heart urchin is scientifically called Echinocardium
  98. Balanoglossus is called 'tongue worm'.
  99. Muscle phosphogen present in chordates is creatine phosphate
  100. Muscle phosphogen present in invertebrates is creatine arginase. 
  101. Creatine phosphate is responsible for rejuvenating ATP. 
  102. Herdmania exhibits retrogressive metamorphosis.
  103. Herdmania is commonly called sea squirt.
  104. Amphioxus is commonly called lancelet. 
  105. Urochordata includes the animals in which notochord is confined only to tail region.
  106. Cephalochordata includes animals in which notochord is extended even into the head. 
  107. Trigon is called sting ray.
  108. Biggest RBC in Animal Kingdom is found in Amphiuma
  109. Amphiuma is commonly called Congo eel.
  110. Poisonous frog is Phyllobates.
  111. Alytes is called 'midwife toad'. Pipa americana is commonly called 'Surinum toad'.
  112. North America is called 'Head quarters of Urodeles'
  113. Heloderma is the only poisonous lizard in the world.
  114. Phrynosoma is the lizard that squirts blood from eye when agitated.
  115. Draco is flying lizard
  116. Pteropus is called flying fox
  117. Eryx jhoni is called 'double headed snake'.
  118. Dryophis is called whip snake or wine snake.
  119. Animals that lay eggs are called oviparous
  120. Animals that give birth to young ones are called viviparous. 
  121. Wuchereria bancrofti is ovoviviparous
  122. Prototherians are the egg laying mammals.
  123. Presence of four optic lobes in mammals is called corpora quadrigemina
  124. Presence of four optic lobes in birds is called corpora bigemina
  125. Tropidonatus is a fresh water snake
  126. All fresh water snakes are non poisonous.
  127. Ptyas is called rat snake as it extensively feeds on rats. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016


  1. Use and disuse theory was proposed by Lamarck.
  2. Inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by Lamarck.
  3. Charles Darwin is the father of evolution
  4. Chromosomes are called vehicles of hereditary. 
  5. Diploid number of chromosomes in man is 46
  6. In humans, females contain XX chromosomes and males contain XY chromosomes.
  7. TB bacterium was discovered by Robert Koch.
  8. Father of Homeopathy is Haniman.
  9. Rabies is characterized by Hydrophobia.
  10. Fear of water is called hydrophobia.
  11. Glyoxisomes are absent in animal cells.
  12. Deoxiribose & ribose are pentose sugars. 
  13. Adenine,guanine,cytosine and thymine are the nucleotides present in DNA.
  14. In RNA thymine is replaced by Uracil.
  15. Formation of mRNA from DNA is called transcription.
  16. Formation of DNA from DNA is called replication
  17. AIDS is caused by HIV
  18. HIV: Human Immuno Virus
  19. Genetic material in HIV is RNA
  20. Formation of DNA from mRNA is called reverse transcription.
  21. Enzyme present in HIV is reverse trancriptase.
  22. ART is Anti Retro Viral Therapy.
  23. Zidovudine is used to treat AIDS.
  24. Neverapine is used to prevent the spread of HIV to fetus from mother 
  25. Dipnoi fish show discontinuous distribution.
  26. Chelonia are the animals with longest life span
  27. Turtles, tortoises and terrapins belong to chelonia.
  28. Turtles are marine, terrapins are freshwater and tortoises are amphibious.
  29. Chelone mydas is called 'Green edible turtle'.
  30. Poison of scorpion is neurotoxin.
  31. FOX P2 gene is responsible for communication skills in human beings.
  32. P53 is called 'Guardian angel of human genome. 
  33. Scientific name of human is 'Homo spiense'
  34. Number of bones in human is 206
  35. Number of bones in infants is more than that of adults.
  36. Cranial capacity of modern man is 1360 CC
  37. Cromagnon man was the closest fossil to modern man.
  38. Cromagnon man was expert in making stone tools.
  39. Neander valley is present in Germany.
  40. Neanderthal man fossil was discovered in Neander valley of Germany.
  41. Philadelphia chromosome is related to leukemia.
  42. Color blindness and hemophilia are more common in men than woman
  43. Hemophilia is called 'Bleeder's disease or 'Royal disease"
  44. Hemophilia was found in the pedigree of Queen Victoria.
  45. Genes exclusively present on Y chromosome are called 'Holandric genes'.
  46. O negative blood group is called universal donor
  47. AB positive blood group is called universal recipient 
  48. Sickle cell anemia patients are immune to malaria.
  49. In man Vermiform Appendix is vestigial.
  50. The term 'Genetics' was coined by Bateson

- Frog contains maxillary teeth and vomerine teeth

- Maxillary teeth present in frog are not useful for mastication, but simply prevent the escape of the prey from oral cavity. 

- Frog performs cutaneous, pulmonary and buccopharyngeal respiration.

- Eggs with large quantity of yolk are called megalecithal.

- Eggs with less quantity of yolk are called microlecithal.

- Eggs with moderate quantity of yolk are called mesolecithal.

- Eggs those lack yolk are called alecithal.

- Eggs containing animal and vegetal poles are called telolecithal.

- Eggs in which yolk is concentrated at the center are called centrolecithal.

- Insects have centrolecithal eggs. 

- GABA is Gama Amino Butyric Acid.

- Ozone layer is present in stratosphere.

- Aeroplanes and jet planes travel in stratosphere.

- Clouds are absent in stratosphere.

- Troposphere is the bottom most layer of atmosphere. 

- Digestion in protozoans is intracellular.

- Digestion in coelenterates is both intracellular and extracellular.

- Digestion in man is extracellular. 

- Extracellular digestion is the most advanced type of digestion. 

- Digestion in protozoans occurs in food vacuole.

- Digestion in sponges occur in choanocytes. 

- Formation of specific head is called cephalization. 

- Cephalization facilitates the concentration of sense organs in the anterior region called head. 

- Cephalization is associated with bilateral symmetry. 

- Euspongia is commonly called 'bath sponge'. 

- Euplectella is called 'Venus Flower Basket' and it is given as a gift in marriages in Japan. 

- Hylonema is called 'Glass rope sponge'. 

- Physalia is called 'Portuguese man of war'.

- Anticoagulant present in saliva of mosquito is hemolysin.

- Anticoagulant present in saliva of leech is hirudin

- Letting out blood from wounds by using leech is called phlebotomy.

- Leeches are parasitic annelids.

- Larva of mosquito is wriggler.

- Larva of house fly is maggot

- Larva of honey bee is grub.

- Larva of butterfly is caterpillar.

- Pupa of mosquito is tumbler. 

- Pupa of butterfly is chrysalis. 

- Cockroach is omnivorous.

- Mouth parts in cockroach is of biting and chewing type. 

- Ommatidia are the units of compound eye. 

- Nephron is the unit of kidney.

- Neuron is the unit of nervous system. 

- Sarcomere is the unit of muscle contraction.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


- Protein present in hair is keratin

- Protein that imparts color to skin is melanin

- Protein present in yolk is vitelline.

- White yolk is albumin.

- Expulsion of urine is called micturition.

- Child birth is called parturition. 

- Increase in the count of RBC is polycythemia.

- Decrease in the count of RBC is anemia 

- Cells present in retina are rods and cones.

- Rods of retina are useful for dark vision. 

- Cones of retina are useful for color differntiation. 

- Pigment present in rods is called rodopsin.

- Primary function of ear is balancing and its secondary function is hearing.

- Sebaceous glands of mammals secrete sebum and this is useful for the synthesis of vitamin D in presence of UV light.

- Vitamin D is the cheapest vitamin. 

- Vitamin A is chemically called retinol. 

- Vitamin C is chemically called ascorbic acid.

- Amla is the richest source of vitamin C

- Vitamin C is called wound healing vitamin. 

- Vitamin C is also called anti cold vitamin.

- Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets and this is characterized by knock knees and bow legs. 

- Vitamin D is called anti rachitic vitamin.

- Vitamin that functions like a hormone is D

- Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism. 

- Pigeon breast is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D

- Vitamin E is called anti sterility  vitamin.

- Muscle cramps are caused by the deficiency of vitamin E.

- Vitamins B & C are water soluble.

- Vitamins A,D,E & K are fat soluble.

- Vitamins A,D,E & K require bile for their absorption as they are fat soluble.

- There is no hyper vitaminosis for B & C due to their water soluble nature. Excess B & C vitamins are excreted  through urine. 

- Proteins present in muscle are actin and myosin. 

- Monocytes are called internal scavengers.

- Neutrophils are called micro policemen. 

- Urea is transported by plasma to kidneys for elimination. 

- Sort sight is technically called myopia

- Long sight is technically called hypermetropia.

- Myopia is corrected by concave lens.

- Hypermetropia is corrected by convex lens.

- Astigmatism is corrected by cylindrical lens. 

- IOL means Intra Occular Lens.

- Soleus is the muscle that acts like a second heart. 

- Stepedius is the smallest muscle.

- Gluteus maximus is the largest muscle. 

- National bird of India is peacock or Pavo cristatus

- State bird of Andhra Pradesh is Blue jey or Coracius bengalensis. 

- Micturition is involuntary in infants and voluntary in adults. 

- Most abundant inorganic compound present in molluscan shells is calcium carbonate.

- Most abundant organic compound present in molluscan shells is conchiolin.

- Scoliodon is called Indian Dog fish. 

- Octopus is called devil fish

- Lepisma is called silver fish or book worm. 

- Dravida grandis and Megascolex are South Indian earth worms.

- Pheritima posthuma is North Indian earthworm 

- Earth worm respires through skin.

- If the skin of earth worm is dried with blotting paper, it dies due to asphyxiation. 

- Lack of breath is called asphyxiation. 

- Excretory organs in earth worm are nephridia

- Excretory organs in insects are malphigian tubules. 

- Dipnoi fish are lung breathing fishes.

                            General Zoology for all Competitive Examinations: II

- Regulation of water balance is called osmoregulation.

- Osmoregulation in Protozoa is carried out by contractile vacuole.

- Fresh water protozoans have contractile vacuole.

- Marine protozoans and parasitic protozoans lack contractile vacuoles. 

- Fresh water protozoans face endosmosis.

- Marine protozoans face exosmosis.

- Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules from hypotonic solution to hypertonic solution. 

- Human body has isotonic fluids.

- Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis in man.

- Amoebiasis is characterized by bloody stools.

- Stool examination is done to confirm amoebiasis. 

- Metranidazole is used to treat amoebiasis.

- Entamoeba histolytica has no contractile vacuole as it lives in isotonic medium.

- Sharks retain urea in their blood to maintain isotonicity of body fluids with marine water. 

- Sharks are not useful commercially as they emit the smell of urea.

- Dry skin of shark is called 'shagreen' and it is used as abrasive. 

- Isinglass is the material obtained from the air bladder of fish and it is used to improve the quality of wine.

- Swelling of intestine is called peritonitis.

- Collagen is the most abundant protein present in human being. 

- Collagen is called aging protein.

- Lipofusin is called aging pigment. 

- Hemoglobin is a chromo protein.

- Deficiency of iron causes nutritive anemia.

- Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes pernicious anemia.

- Vitamins folic acid and cyanocobalamine are required for maturation of RBC.

- RBCs of mammals are enucleated (nucleus is absent )

- Only mammals that contain nucleated RBC are camel and lama.

- Blood cancer is called leukemia.

- Ingestion of solid particles is called phagocytosis.

- Cell drinking is called pinocytosis/pinacocytosis. 

- If fresh water amoeba is transferred to marine water, contractile vacuole disappears. 

- Flowing fresh water ecosystem is called "lotic" and stagnant fresh water ecosystem is called "lentic".

- The gas that is responsible for corrosion of Tajmahal is Sulphur dioxide.

- The gas that is released from oil refineries is Sulfur dioxide.

- Carbon dioxide is the major green house gas. 

- The abnormal and unusual rise in global temperature is called "green house effect". This is also called global warming. 

- Chlorofluoro carbons are responsible for ozone hole. 

- Chlorofluoro carbons are used in refrigerators. 

- Aerosols are the suspended particles in the air. 

- Bile juice contains no enzymes.

- Bile salts are useful for emulsification of fats. 

- Bile is stored in gall bladder. 

- Kuffer cells present in liver are the largest phagocytes. 

- Liver cells are called hepatocytes.

- Platelets are useful for blood coagulation. 

- Heparin is an anticoagulant that prevents the coagulation of blood inside the blood vessel. 

- Fibrinogen and prothrombin are the clotting factors. 

- Heparin, fibrinogen and prothrombin are synthesized in the liver. 

- Urea is synthesized in the liver and it is called ornithine cycle. 

- Bird excreta is commercially called guano. 
                                         General Zoology for all Competitive Examinations

- Father of Biology is Aristotle

- Father of Genetics is Gregor Mendel 

- Mendel worked on Garden Pea plant which is scientifically called "Pisum sativum"

- Thomas Hunt Morgan is called "father of Modern Genetics.

- Thomas Hunt Morgan worked on Drosophila and this is commonly called fruit fly.

- Drosophila is called "genetic Cinderella"

- The term 'evolution' was coined by Herbert Spencer

- The term 'Biology' was coined by Lamarck

- Longest animal cell is neuron

- Longest neuron is present in giraffe

- Animal with highest blood pressure is giraffe

- Longest bone is femur or thigh bone

- Shortest bone is stapes and it is present in ear.

- Knee cap is called patella

- Collar bone is clavicle

- Sternum is also called breast bone

- Muscles present between ribs are called intercostal muscles.

- Neurons do not divide as they do not contain centrioles

- Largest animal cell is ostrich egg

- Smallest animal cell is PPLO/Pluro Pneumonia Like Organism/ Micoplasma gallisepticum

- Muscle fatigue is caused by accumulation of lactic acid. 

- Cardiac muscles do not undergo fatigue.

- Lactic acid is 2- Hydroxy Propanoic acid

- Lactic acid is present in curd.

- Citric acid is present in citrus fruits.

- Acid present in red ant is formic acid.

- Formic acid is HCOOH

- Lactobacillus converts milk into curd.

- Bacillus is a rod shaped bacteria

- Vibrio is a comma shaped bactria

- Spirli is spiral shaped bacteria.

- Coccus is round bacteria.

- Typhoid is an intestinal disorder

- Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhus

- Typhoid is diagnosed by Widal test

- Tuberculosis is caused by Micobacterium tuberculosis.

- Any part of human body is affected with TB.

- Pulmonary TB is common. 

- Penicillin is the first antibiotic.

- Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. 

- Penicillin was called 'wonder drug'.

- Streptomycin was discovered by Waksman

- Penicillin was extracted from Penicillium notatum.

- Penicillin saved the lives of many soldiers during Second World war.

- Lactobacillus and Bifido bacteria act as probiotics.

- Malaria is caused by Plasmodium

- Plasmodium was discovered by Charles Laveran.

- Charles Laveran is called father of malariology.

- Ronald Ross discovered the oocysts of malarial parasite in the stomach wall of mosquito. 

- Female Anopheles is a primary host of malarial parasite. 

- Quinine is used in the treatment of malaria

- Quinine is extracted from the bark of Cinchona afficinalis.

- Elephantiasis is also called filariasis.

- Filariasis is caused by a nematode parasite Wuchereria bancrofti.

- Malaria vaccine was designed by Vasim Siddique

- Biggest phylum in Animal Kingdom is Arthropoda

- Second Biggest phylum in Animal Kingdom is Mollusca

- Biggest class in Animal kingdom is insecta.

- Insects are called hexapods as they contain six legs.

- Scorpion and spider are not insects as they have eight legs.

- Teania solium is called 'Pork tape worm'.

- Taenia saginata is called ' Beef tape worm'.

- Archituethis is the biggest invertebrate. It is also called 'Giant Squid'.

- Pila globosa is commonly called 'Apple snail'.

- Sea snake is the most poisonous snake.

- Hydrophis and Enhydrina are sea snakes.

- Sea snakes are viviparous. 

- There is no antidote to the bite of sea snakes.

- Krait is the most poisonous terrestrial snake. It is scientifically called 'Bungarus'.

- King cobra is called 'Naja hanna'. It feeds on other snakes, hence it is called 'Ophiophagous hanna'.

- Poison of cobra, sea snake and krait is neurotoxin.

- Neurotoxin is a poison that acts on nervous system.

- The victim of cobra's bite dies due to suffocation as the cobra's venom acts on medulla oblongata.

- Medulla oblongata is the respiratory center.

- Medulla oblongata controls all the involuntary activities.

- Cerebellum of brain controls voluntary muscle activities.

- Cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain.

- The junction between two neurons is called synapse.

- Chemicals secreted at neuron are called neurotransmitters.

- Acetyl choline is a neurotransmitter.

- Motor end plate is called neuromuscular junction.

- Junction between muscle and neuron is called neuromuscular junction. 

- Skeletal muscles are attached to bone and they are voluntary.

- Only skeletal muscle without bone is tongue.

- Tongue is an intrinsic muscle.

- Smooth muscles are called visceral muscles and they are involuntary. 

- Permanent contraction of muscles after death is called rigor mortis.

- Endoplasmic reticulum present in muscle is called sarcoplasmic reticulum and it is of smooth type.

- Calcium ions are required for muscle contraction. 

- Sodium and Potassium ions are required for nerve impulse transmission. 

- Chalina is a sponge that is called 'Dead man's fingers'. 

- Sponges do not have tissues. 

- Digestion is chemically hydrolysis and digestive enzymes are collectively called hydrolases. 

- Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose. 

- In man there are four types of teeth namely incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

- Wisdom teeth are molars.

- Wisdom teeth are vestigial.

- Largest organ is skin.

- Largest gland is liver.

- Largest endocrine gland is Thyroid.

- Thyroid is called 'Adam's Apple'. 

- Smallest endocrine gland is Pituitary.

- Pituitary gland is called "Master gland" or "Bandmaster of endocrine orchestra"

- Sex hormones are steroid hormones. 

- Thyroxine hormone is required for metamorphosis.

- Spleen is called 'Graveyard of RBC'.

- Spleen swells during malaria infection.

- Organ with maximum power of regeneration is liver.

- Organ with minimum power of regeneration is brain. 

- Cancer is defined as unregulated proliferation of cells. 

- Cancer of cervix is common in women followed by breast cancer.

- Pop smear test is done to diagnose uterus or cervix cancer. 

- Neck of uterus is called cervix.

- Removal of uterus is called hysterectomy.

- Biggest bird is ostrich.

- Ostrich is scientifically called 'Struthio camelus'

- Smallest bird is 'Humming bird'.

- Biggest insect is Attacus atlas

- Biggest chordate is "Balenoptera musculus" or "Blue whale".

S.Md.Iqbal as Guest lecturer
Student seminar

Felicitation to Smt. Nagajyorthirmai who has been appointed as the member of Executive Council of
S.K.University. It is the rarest privilege bestowed on our department.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

                                    As Resource Person at Mahathma Degree College Uravakonda

                           Collaborative Work With District Science Center, Anantapur   In collaboration with the District Science Center an...